Our region is close to long-term averages for annual precipitation this year. Given the plentiful rainfall, stories about a shortage of drinking water seem odd. However, those stories are everywhere you look. For instance, in Fauquier County, water shortages from a combination of reduced ow and contamination in existing wells spurred negotiations for new wells in Marshall. Also, concerns about the availability of water were central to the debate over future development in Warrenton. Greene County is considering constructing, at considerable expense, a new storage reservoir for withdrawals from the Rapidan River. In addition, Loudoun Water is purchasing quarry sites along Goose Creek for future storage….
Chris Miller

President’s Letter – Summer 2017
Some may not know that PEC is also the fiscal sponsor for the Coalition for Smarter Growth, an organization that focuses on planning and policies that support the best possible solutions for the greater Washington D.C. area. Earlier this month, CSG celebrated their 20th anniversary….
Post-election thoughts
Coming out of the election there is a lot of concern, particularly within the environmental community, about the direction that federal policy will go over the next four years. What parts of campaign rhetoric will become reality? On that subject, only time will tell.
Here at The Piedmont Environmental Council we have historically tried not to rely on federal policies, but rather the direct actions of residents, landowners, and businesses in the Piedmont region. It’s a bi-partisan approach, and something we have found people of all political stripes can rally around.
In that vein, here are some post-election thoughts from The Piedmont Environmental Council’s President, Chris Miller:
President’s Letter – Summer 2016
We are mourning the loss of Bill Backer, long-time PEC supporter and Piedmont Foundation President, who passed away on May 13, 2016. An advertising genius who taught the “world to sing” when he created the 1971 “Hilltop” commercial for Coca-Cola—what many consider to be the most famous commercial ever.
Bill loved the Piedmont and chose to make Fauquier County his permanent home in 1994. I’ve known Bill for over 20 years. He was a man of incredible intellect and insight into the human spirit…

President’s Letter – Spring 2016
In February, I faced a new challenge—explaining the mission and programs of PEC to millennials. I was asked to give a guest lecture to an audience of undergraduate and graduate students at the University of Pennsylvania, which included my daughter Caroline, a freshman…
This is Big!
The opening of the Silver Line this past July was an important step toward a better future for the Washington metropolitan region and the Commonwealth of Virginia. For decades, Tysons has been an example of 20th century development, urban and suburban areas that don’t quite work—too many cars, no sidewalks and not enough green space.
Opposition to the Outer Beltway Picking Up
Over the past two years we’ve been writing (and sometimes jumping up and down) about the McDonnell Administration’s prioritization of the multi-billion dollar DC Outer Beltway project. It’s been difficult, however, to get press coverage or widespread citizen engagement, because the project has seemed remote. But that changed this past December, when VDOT finally put a line on the map.
Since then, citizen opposition to the project has mounted. At the end of April, six legislators from Northern Virginia announced their opposition to the project. This Tuesday, Congressman Wolf sent a letter to Governor McDonnell expressing “serious reservations.” This text is from an email alert sent out on May 16th.

Insiders Renew Push for Another Beltway Around DC
In 2011, PEC alerted its members to a renewed effort to get an Outer Beltway project built. A highlight from the email text:
"In a meeting of the Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) last week, the Governor's Secretary of Transportation and two CTB members announced a renewed effort to prioritize a highway connecting I-95 in Prince William to Rt. 50 in Loudoun."