Chris Miller

2023 General Assembly Crossover Update

2023 General Assembly Crossover Update

This Tuesday marked the halfway point of Virginia’s 2023 General Assembly Session, a date known as ‘crossover.’ The House and Senate have each finished voting on the bills their members put forward, and now move on to consider legislation passed by the opposite body.

Achieving Conservation Wins Together

Achieving Conservation Wins Together

As our 50th anniversary year comes to a close, we are taking stock in the effects of our collective efforts over the last half century toward meaningful conservation and better communities in Virginia’s Piedmont. We are ever grateful to our generous and committed supporters and members who’ve made it all possible, as well as our many partners and dedicated staff. As we head toward the close of 2022, we invite you to look back at a few highlights of our work together this past year.

Planning for the Future

Planning for the Future

We have accomplished a lot together over the 50 years of PEC’s history. With 2022 on the horizon, we have begun work on an updated strategic plan to guide our efforts in the coming years. What will the Piedmont look like in 2030, 2050 and beyond?

President’s Letter – Winter 2021

President’s Letter – Winter 2021

The vibrant colors of the forests this fall have been a source of inspiration and hope for thousands of residents and millions of visitors to the Piedmont region. Whether an individual tree with a complete crown in full display or the more complex patterns of a forested hillside, their effect is an awesome reminder of the power of the natural world to recenter our lives around a sense of place.