Bri West

Bri West is the director of outreach and communications for The Piedmont Environmental Council.

Go Native Go Local

This guide provides the residents of the Virginia Piedmont with a listing of businesses, most of them local, that offer products and services that promote our native biodiversity! Go Native Go Local aims to strengthen the local economy and is a sister publication to our Buy Fresh Buy Local guide. If you use this guide, please let the businesses know that The Piedmont Environmental Council sent you!

Email Alert: Loudoun Residents Weigh In, Wildwood Farm Rezoning Next

Email Alert: Loudoun Residents Weigh In, Wildwood Farm Rezoning Next

Some good news and another call to action!

Last Wednesday, on a 6-3 vote, the Loudoun Board of Supervisors voted to deny the McIntosh rezoning request to increase density in the Transition Area next to Willowsford. Voting against the rezoning were Janet Clarke, Matt Letourneau, Ralph Buona, Geary Higgins, Shawn Williams and Scott York.

A big ‘thank you’ to everyone who took the time to write. Several of the Board members mentioned the letters from citizens as having an impact.

Now on to the next proposal….

Transportation Board Awards Route 29 Solutions Contract

The Commonwealth Transportation Board has awarded Lane/Corman Joint Venture the $116.7 million design-build contract to improve the Route 29 corridor in Albemarle County. Lane/Corman will widen Route 29 between Polo Grounds Road and Towncenter Drive, extend Berkmar Drive from Hilton Heights Road to Towncenter Drive, and construct a grade-separated intersection at Route 29 and Rio Road.

“Governor McAuliffe and his administration are focused on building the right transportation projects for the right reasons,” said Secretary of Transportation Aubrey L. Layne Jr. “These projects, and the rest of the Route 29 Solutions projects, will provide real safety improvements and real congestion relief for everyone who uses this corridor. The award of this contract is a major step toward delivery of these critical highway improvements.”

Read the rest of the VDOT Press Release


Rappahannock County Conservation Alliance Dissolves

Text from our Dec 2014 Member Newsletter:

The Rappahannock County Conservation Alliance (RCCA) is planning to finalize the process of dis­solving itself as an organization and transfer its assets to the Piedmont Foundation this month. Those funds are designated for PEC’s Kresber Fund, which supports a variety of conservation efforts in Rappahannock County. A portion of the funds contributed by RCCA are prioritized for the Farmland Preservation Program.

National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Grant

National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Grant

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation awarded PEC a $200,000 grant from the Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund this past October. With this grant, PEC will collaborate with Loudoun County, the Town of Lovettsville, Loudoun County Master Gardeners and Loudoun homeowners associations to implement projects that involve planting native trees and shrubs, improving stormwater facilities and reducing polluted runoff in Loudoun County communities.