Grants Manager
Warrenton Office
540-347-2334 ext. 7003

As PEC’s grant writer since 2012, Douglas works to raise funds from grants, and strengthen PEC’s relationships with foundations and government agencies. During that time, PEC has been able to start new conservation initiatives and expand general operating support through increased grant funds.
Douglas has 20 years of experience working in nonprofit development and foundation relations. He lives in the City of Fairfax with his spouse, Tamara Harvey, and their son, Daniel. He holds leadership roles in a wide range of smart growth efforts, focused on promoting compact, walkable and bike-able development in Northern Virginia’s inner suburbs. From 2014 to 2019, he served as Transportation Co-Chair with the Virginia Sierra Club. He founded and remains involved in Fairfax City Citizens for Smarter Growth, a volunteer group that advocates for walkable and bike-able communities. He helped found Fairfax Alliance for Better Bicycling. In 2016, Douglas served as Chair of the Citizens’ Advisory Committee of the Transportation Planning Board of the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments.