Director of Land Use
Warrenton Office
540-347-2334 ext. 7042

Julie grew up in Fairfax, Loudoun, and Clarke counties. After graduating from Clarke County High School she attended Virginia Tech receiving a B.S. in Fisheries Science with a minor in Watershed Management. Moving back to Loudoun with her husband, Evan, she went back to school to get her Masters in Urban and Regional Planning and a second Masters degree in Natural Resources.
While studying for her bachelor’s she interned with the Student Conservation Association in Shenandoah National Park, Center for Aquatic Technology Transfer in the Jefferson National Forest, Friends of the Rockfish River in the James River watershed, and then worked full time for the Department of Wildlife Resources in southwest Virginia. After moving to Loudoun she interned with Rappahannock Rapidan Regional Commission for a year and led a Safe Routes to School modeling project with the City of Alexandria’s GIS Division.
The distinction between the natural world and the man-made world seems an arbitrary one. All things are made from natural resources and all life is sustained by natural systems. I love lively cities, historic towns, farmlands and fresh harvests, mountain streams full of life, and miles of wilderness but none of these can thrive if our natural support system is pushed to its breaking point. Working with PEC, I can help protect threatened places and the natural systems that support it all.