Our contest is always fun because the photos are from people and places close to home. This photo taken by Cass Girvin of Beaver Creek Reservoir in Albemarle was one of the winners in 2019.
The Piedmont Environmental Council’s 2020 Photo Contest begins today! As a young photographer myself, I’ve been looking forward to hosting this annual showcase.
I’m also excited to announce that in honor of the 50th Anniversary of the Virginia Scenic Rivers Act, we’ve added a ‘Wonderful Waters’ category. So send us your best photos of rivers, lakes and streams, along with shots of native plants and wildlife, bucolic views, and downtown streetscapes.
Also, if you know of any young photographers (17 years old and younger), let them know about our “Youth Category,” and share this email with them.
The deadline for all submissions is September 30, 2020.

The Virginia Scenic Rivers Program was created by the General Assembly in 1970 to identify and protect rivers with important scenic, historic, recreational, ecological value. Photo of Goose Creek, which is one of 36 designated rivers, taken by Frederick B. Eberhart.
Contest Details:
Photos must be taken within: Albemarle (and Charlottesville), Clarke, Culpeper, Fauquier, Greene, Loudoun, Madison, Orange or Rappahannock County.
Adults can enter up to six photos in each of the following three categories:
- Beautiful Landscapes or Streetscapes
- Native Plants and Wildlife
- Wonderful Waters (rivers, streams, lakes, reservoirs, creeks, you name it!)
Youth photographers can enter up to six photos in:
- Youth Category (photos can be of landscapes, streetscapes, wildlife, farms, or anything connected to the environment here in the Piedmont)
After the deadline, PEC staff and guest judges will choose finalists in each of the categories. Then, we will put those photos up for a public vote online to determine the winners.
Each of the finalists will receive a free PEC membership and have their work featured in upcoming online or print PEC publications. The winners of each adult category will receive a $75 gift certificate to a nearby Buy Fresh Buy Local restaurant! The Youth Category winner will receive a $75 gift card for iTunes, the Google Play Store or Amazon.

The rules and guidelines can all be found at www.pecva.org/photocontest.
The contest is open to everyone with the exception of PEC staff and immediate family. Finalists will be announced in November. Please read the full Terms & Conditions before entering.
How to Enter:
Here’s the important part — please submit your photos via Flickr.com (it’s free). Submitting your photos via Flickr greatly increases the staff’s ability to manage the contest efficiently, and it makes the photos accessible and searchable throughout the year.
You can visit our website where I’ve posted the full photo contest rules and step-by-step instructions on how to use Flickr to submit your photos.
Your submissions allow people to see a variety of fun and beautiful views of the Piedmont. Also, the high-quality photos help us tell the important stories and illustrate the issues happening in this wonderful part of the world.
For more information on this year’s contest, visit the 2020 Photo Contest page on our website or send an email with questions to photos@pecva.org.
Hugh Kenny
Communications Fellow
The Piedmont Environmental Council