2014 Photo Contest Winners & Finalists

We asked you to pick your favorite photos in four different categories — Local Farms and Food, Native Plants and Wildlife, Beautiful Landscapes, and our new Youth Category. Congrats to Patricia Temples, Denise Machado, Tom Lussier, Jacob Chang-Rascle for their respective category wins!

Top Photo in Local Farms and Food

Cows Have the Best View” by Patricia Temples

Top Photo in Beautiful Landscapes

Round Bales” by Tom Lussier

Top Photo in our Youth Category

Star Trails in Old Trail” by Jacob Chang-Rascle

Top Photo in Native Plants and Wildlife

Tree-o of Owlets” by Denise Machado

Thank you!

Thanks again to everyone who participated — the voting was very close all around. The runners-up in each category were “Mama Bear” by Deborah Kozura, “Canoe Fan” by Cassandra Brown, “I Can See You” by Debby Taylor, and “Cut Over Timber” by Grace Wilbanks.

You can see all of this year’s submissions by visiting our Flickr Group. We can’t wait to see next year’s submissions!